The Prestigious Membership in the Mt. Calvary Executive Leadership Society will provide the following resources: (1) Support healthy communities; (2) Build skills and opportunities through our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs; (3) Build a first-in-class leadership development program for underserved youth and adults; and (4) Launch a vocational, industrial, and college preparatory academy to help low-income youth to realize their full potential and become an economic engine for the region.
Trailblazer Member/Supporter ($25,000 or more)
Opportunity to bring opening comments at all quarterly seminars
Monthly updates on the work and programs of Mt. Calvary
Acknowledgement on Mt. Calvary website with company logo and recognition in all media releases
Invitation for you and four others to quarterly seated or virtual seminars on key leadership topics and issues of particular importance to our region
Ten complimentary tickets to Mt. Calvary’s July President’s Dinner
Permanent recognition on donor wall of honor
Certificate of recognition
Innovator Member/Supporter ($10,000)
Opportunity to bring opening comments at a quarterly seminar
Monthly updates on the work and programs of Mt. Calvary
Acknowledgement on Mt. Calvary website
Invitation for you and two guests to quarterly seated or virtual seminars on key leadership topics and issues of particular importance to our region
Eight complimentary tickets to Mt. Calvary’s July President’s Dinner
Recognition on donor wall of honor
Certificate of recognition
Partner Member/Sponsor ($2,000)
Acknowledgment on Mt. Calvary website
Monthly updates on the work and programs of Mt. Calvary
Invitation to quarterly seated or virtual seminars on key leadership topics and issues of particular importance to our region
Certificate of recognition
One to two complimentary tickets to Mt. Calvary’s July President’s Dinner
Sponsoring Members:
A comprehensive list of society membership will be listed soon.